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Are You Lacking This Form Of Self Love?


To Receive. 

A word that can be used in many different situations and circumstances. 

To Receive a gift from a friend. 

To Receive that monthly pay cheque. 

To Receive a good grade on last week’s test. 

Indeed, its uses are many, especially during this day and age. 

However, how often do we consider other uses of this word beyond our common daily transactions?

How about to Receive a well deserved vacation? 

To Receive a joyful experience? 

To Receive unconditional self love?  

We use it almost everyday but we fail to realize the true beauty of this word.

To Recieve.  

How beautiful is it?

At some point we may have been taught that receiving is bad- that those who take are greedy and should be frowned upon. However, following the formation of this belief, we may have begun to swing out of balance along the giving to receiving continuum; we would give and give continuously without ever accepting anything in return.

This may seem like the best way to go about it. After all, we wouldn’t want to be greedy, right?

But let me stop you there.

Receiving, when used under the right circumstances, is a form of self love.

When we are able to full heartedly accept and be grateful for blessings in all of their many shapes and forms, we are able to allow for love to move through us. We allow for our own cups to be filled.

We allow for ourselves to be whole.

And if you’re like me, your default mode is to give to others as much as you possibly can give. That the sole purpose in life is to shine a light in others’ lives.

But we can’t fill others’ cups if our own is empty. As much as we try, we ourselves need to be whole before we are able to help others’ become whole. It’s a universal truth. We require this compassion towards ourselves to allow for the positive things to be received into our lives. We require a greater degree of self love.

So the next time you are presented with a blessing, take notice of your initial reaction. Are you resistant to giving yourself enough compassion to accept it? 

Please remember that you deserve to be unconditionally loved, both by those closest to you and your very own self. You deserve to have blessings present in your life, whether it be a compliment, a new friend, or a meaningful experience. Don’t allow for prior beliefs to alter this way that you treat yourself.

You deserve love. In all of its many shapes and forms. 

Please feel free to reach out at any time. I'd absolutely love to meet you!

-Dr. Nicole Addison


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