If you were to take a look inside yourself right now, what would you see?
How about your feelings. How do you feel? Stressed? Overworked? Drained?
Life can be harsh if we forget to make the time. The time for what? For ourselves. Not doing so can leave us feeling burnt out, tired, and simply struggling to see straight. Not only do we feel crumby, but what else? We run the risk of loosing touch with ourselves. With our true selves. Who we really are.
By living a lifestyle of constant work and no self care, we may eventually begin to drain. Our energy, spirit, and feelings of purpose may begin to fade. All of that which makes us the bright being that we are may begin to disappear without a trace. Your highest self, the self that makes you who you are, the connection to the higher universe, may leave. When we become completely sucked into the analytical working society that surrounds us, we may be filling ourselves up with success in one aspect, but draining ourselves in another. We are left completely dry of all of the “stuff” that makes you, you. And what’s left? Feelings of disconnect. Emptiness. Loss of self identity. An untrue you.
The analytical brain loves to make us think; think about finances, our job, or how we should portray ourselves. The analytical brain loves to talk, hear its own voice, and jabber on until your brain seems to short circuit. It fills our minds up with thoughts that are, a majority of the time, not from our true selves. They are not who we are. However, when we make free time for ourselves, we are given the chance to do what makes our heart come alive. What makes us feel like ourself. And for that time, the analytical brain is silenced. Have you ever noticed that magnificent feeling after having done what you love? You may have noticed wonderful feelings of satisfaction, peace, or contentment to name a few. After going for that walk in the garden, painting that picture, or playing the guitar, how do you feel? A deep sense of happiness? A greater feeling of wholeness?
So what brought you to this article, exactly?
Do you question whether you are living as your truest self? Do you wish to reconnect with who you really are? It could be that you are already deeply connected but have been lead to question otherwise. Either way, I’m glad that you have visited. I’m glad that you’ve taken the time to consider your own wellbeing. Because a life lived with feelings of disconnect with oneself may only lead to further emptiness. Losing sight of who we are will only take us off the path that our heart guides us upon. You must not allow for this analytical world to swallow you up, for your own purest self lies within and requires care. Do your best, put in your highest level of effort, but take some regenerative time when you need to. Take it, for your truest self will thank you for it.
So the next time that you feel drained, lost, confused, or disconnected; stop. Do what you love. Do what makes your heart shine. Do what makes you come alive. Just do it. Even if you don’t have the time, make time. Life is meant to be lived as YOU, with all of your quirks, flaws, and emotions. We are not meant to be empty shells, wandering aimlessly through the a world of low energy. It’s time to fill yourself up with your own “stuff.” It’s time to become whole once again…
Your Journey Awaits You Here.
Nicole Addison
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